Monday, June 22, 2009

Krugman's Intellectual Waterloo: Featured on

My piece  Krugman's Intellectual Waterloo has been made today's Daily Article on  Check out the hilarious "Krugman-as-Napoleon" image they put together.  My thanks to Jeffrey Tucker for selecting it, to BK Marcus for editing it, and to nirgrahamUK on the Mises boards and anyone else who passed it on to others.

 I consider the Mises Institute web site to be the greatest source for truth and wisdom on the web.  So it's an honor to have something I wrote featured on its main page, and it's a kick to see my name in the list of Mises Daily Authors, along with the names of a great many of heroes.

I hope my characterization of Krugman's twisting in the wind will be convincing to people and that this piece will help spread the word regarding the damning quotes that Lew Rockwell and Mark Thornton have discovered.  If I could help soften the ground under Krugman's pedestal and cause it to sink just one inch, I would feel I have truly done good in the world.

Please join the assault on neo-Keyneseanism by contributing a comment to the article's entry on the Mises Blog.

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